Backend Automation ( API Automation )

Backend Automation testing course is designed for those who are interested to learn automation on platform like POSTMAN, SOAPUI, Rest Assured etc. It is about testing the code during construct phase. Backend Automation is always quicker and low maintenance compared to Frontend Automation.


8 Weeks


8:00 to 9:00


Mon - Fri


Industry Expert

Live Project


Work Experience-Based Learning Approach
To Land Your Dream QA Job

Joining - Enrollment based on eligibility criteria and 1 to 1 discussion
Learning - Mon-Thu Learning and Friday Assessment Test
Pre-Placement - Resume Preparation, LinkedIn Profile, Mock Interview Practice
Job Assistance - Interview Calls, Job Rollout
Alumni - Webinar, People connect

Our Students Who Are Hired

How Our Team Develop You

API Testing Basic
Introduction to webservices
Overview of xml and JSON
Tools for API Testing
Understanding of the collection creation and environment variable
Different request components (headers, body, pre request script, assertions, parameterization)
Running the requests as a collection and exporting the response to an external fil
Extracting parameters from an external file
Libraries needed for the Rest Assured Automation
Understanding of the syntax of the Rest Assured commands
Adding validations for the response
Extracting values from the response body to use in subsequent requests