Why is Performance Testing required for Apps?

Performance Testing consists of series of tests that allow the tester to benchmark system response time, CPU usage, Memory usage, speed of APIs, and other performance parameters under a variety of generated/synthetic load conditions.

Performance Testing is a critical part of the QA routine as it directly deals with the User’s expected experience with the application once there are a certain number of concurrent users accessing the application.

  • Load Testing: Performance Testers take the responsibility for testing and checking the system on how it behaves on variable loads.
  • Stress Testing: Through this approach from Performance Testers, they provide the right reports wherein determining the stability and robustness of the system.
  • Volume Testing: Determine the number of users that the system can accommodate

Performance Testing adds below values

  • Examining whether the current system resources like CPU Cores, RAM, disk space are sufficient for current as well as future expected load.
  • Analyzing possible cause of slowness and errors – for instance whether it is related to source code, database query, front end and/or environment
  • Documenting which request is taking more time and concurrency errors, if any.
  • Recording/Automating each module and running the flow for concurrent users according to future expected load.
  • Finding the Breaking point of the application server with reason(s) of failure.
  • Checking your server, database configuration for optimization.

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